Léa Steudler


Bonnard Lawson Geneva Area Ltd
Route du Grand-Lancy 2
P. O. Box
CH-1211 Geneva 26

T. +41 22 322 25 00

Léa Steudler is an associate in the Arbitration and Sports, Litigation, and Commercial & Corporate departments of our Geneva office.

Her practice focuses on commercial dispute resolution, sports arbitration as well as corporate matters.

Léa studied law at the Universities of Geneva and Zurich. She also obtained a Certificate of Advanced Studies in legal professions before doing her traineeship, where she advised and represented clients in civil, commercial and criminal litigation.


Bar admission (2024)

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions, Geneva Bar School (ECAV), Switzerland (2022)

Master in Laws, University of Zurich, Switzerland (2022)

Bachelor in Laws (magna cum laude), University of Geneva, Switzerland (2020)


French (mother tongue)

English (bilingual proficiency)

German (reading proficiency)

Professional Experience

Associate, Bonnard Lawson, Geneva (since 2025)

Trainee, Des Gouttes & Associés, Geneva (2023-2024)

Paralegal, Bonnard Lawson, Geneva (2019-2021)

Practice Areas