Yoann Gross

Trainee Lawyer

Rue du Grand-Chêne 8
Case Postale 240
CH-1001 Lausanne

T. +41 (0)21 348 11 88
F. +41 (0)21 348 11 89

Yoann Gross studied law at the University of Lausanne with an academic exchange in the University of Zürich. During his master’s degree, he focused on criminal law and forensic science. He holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions (ECAV) and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in penal Magistracy, option Criminal prosecution (CAS MAP-PP).

Before joining the firm in 2024, he worked as an ad hoc clerk in the District Court of eastern Vaud and as a clerk in the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the District of north Vaud. He also is an Examining magistrate in the Military Justice, with the rank of captain.

He is currently working as a trainee lawyer at Bonnard Lawson in Lausanne and preparing for his bar exam.


Certificate of Advanced Studies in penal Magistracy, option Criminal prosecution (CAS MAP-PP), of the HES-SO (2024)
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions (ECAV), of the University of Geneva (2023)
Master of Law (MLaw) in Judicial Career, magna cum laude, of the University of Lausanne (2022)
Bachelor of Law (BLaw), of the University of Lausanne and Zurich (2019)

Professional Experience

Clerk, Public Prosecutor’s Office of the District of north Vaud, 2023 – 2024, Yverdon‑les‑Bains
Ad hoc clerk, District Court of eastern Vaud, 2021 – 2023, Vevey
Archivist at BianchiSchwald Law Firm, 2018, Lausanne
Legal Intern, Morgan & Morgan, 2021, Panama
Legal Intern, Gestoria Barcons, 2019, Blanes, Cataluña, Spain


French: mother tongue
Spanish: mother tongue
English: advanced
German: passive skills
Russian: A1

Practice Areas